Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The time-in-between

You know what I think, like seriously, a new course should be introduced to our higher institutions of learning, it should be mandatory for all students, it should be taught for four years and should be taught by those qualified with a lot of years of experience. The name of this course if ‘LIFE 110’. And I’m actually serious. And the course should not be waived; you just have to pass it, if you want to graduate when you’re supposed to.
It actually dawned on me that there are a lot of things that you’d have to figure out on your own in life. Of course, there’s the invaluable advice of parents and well meaning friends and all that, but the fact is that eventually, the decision and choices boils down to you and you alone. You decide if you want to go God’s way or not, it’s actually your choice. This post is actually inspired by a certain funny dilemma I’m in. itz actually funny I tell you.


Hi, this post you’re about to read was written a while back when I was going through a rough patch in my life and I’m glad to say, I’m out of it as a better person. Even though I might have to go through such again, at least I know I’ll make it through no matter what. I initially decided not to post it, cos it really contains personal stuff and it’s not the typical post that should come up here, but then…
So, I decided to post it for two reasons.
*      I really hope this post serves as a source of encouragement to at least one person, life is hard enough and we all need some form of encouragement.
*      Secondly, I discovered that if you really open your heart and not stay stereotyped about certain things, God can speak to you through any means available. I say this carefully because this shouldn’t be taken as a license to expose ourselves to harmful stuff, *if you know what I mean*…