Friday, 25 April 2014

We are all thirsty

"Come to the water,
you who thirst and
you'll thirst no more"

-Tenth Avenue North

We are all thirsty...
We all want something more; a better job, more money, better grades, better quality of lives, finer clothes, better shoes, better partners, better children, better cars, better houses, better churches..the list is endless.

Now let me personalise this: I want to be more productive, have a better job, more money, a better house: more like my own crib, better clothes, better shoes, better weaves, better gadgets, better er..erm..body, yes..more books, better jewelry...the list is endless I could go on and on.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Life lately

Hello everyone,

How has life been? My own answer in one word, would be 'hectic'

I can't even understand why growing up seemed to be so much fun to us as kids, being an adult isn't all its made out to be, and paying your own bills and being responsible for yourself isn't fun at all.

We all get to that point where we get soo busy with life and neglect the things that are needful, and making time out for family, friends and other seemingly mundane things seem to be a chore because all that matters is the paper chase. And I'm not even exonerating myself. God help us all
I used to be the stop-and-smell-the-roses kind of girl. But now..stop and smell what? When I'm