Saturday, 24 March 2012

Just keep moving on, no matter what!

She flipped the next page of the text book she was trying to study when she finally accepted that she was feeling sleepy, but she was determined to finish up the chapter she had already started studying that evening, so in order to stay awake, she picked up her phone, plugged in her earpiece and started listenig to the songs on her playlist, this she did whenever she wanted to stay awake and alert. As she continued studying, song after song passed and then it got to a particilar song on her playlist and she had to pause, not because the song was special or any different from the other ones she had been listening to, but because that song remeinded her of someone..
Truly speaking, she had moved on, from that place of hurt, disappointment and pain caused by 'him'.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

A story of determination and courage...

Recently, I found a true before-and-after kind of story. Not that I didn’t believe all the before-meets-after kinda stories all over the mass media, I just was always skeptical and never really appreciated the experiences these people had to go through until….I was seated in class waiting for the lecturer to come in, and in walked a female course mate of mine and my first reaction when I sited her was…WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!!
I kinda gawked for some seconds and I made up my mind there and then that I was gonna do a feature on this Missy and to tell the truth, my interest in her story wasn’t just for “Roll on” but I was also personally interested in her story.
Right about now, I present to you the story of Odili Joy Chioma who had the determination to go on a vigorous exercise and diet routine to lose weight….and lose weight she did! She dropped from a size 14 to a size just one month!!! Who on earth does that and still looks gorgeous afterwards???..


Friday, 2 March 2012


                                                PEOPLE WHO ROLL

My very first post, had to take like forever to put together, which is quite unusual for Miss. Tique but the period between January and March was kinda topsy-turvy with lots of lessons to learn, although, my tent is still pitched at the learning lane, I have been permitted to move on with the blog....finally. *anyways, more on this later*
Like we will always say at PeopleWhoRoll, life is about rolling, moving on, keeping on and just moving ahead no matter what happens. So, i got a new word=> resilience, then i proceeded to wiki, to see what i could get by way of definitions, and amma share with ya'all  the two i liked best, the complex definition is as follows: