Wednesday, 21 March 2012

A story of determination and courage...

Recently, I found a true before-and-after kind of story. Not that I didn’t believe all the before-meets-after kinda stories all over the mass media, I just was always skeptical and never really appreciated the experiences these people had to go through until….I was seated in class waiting for the lecturer to come in, and in walked a female course mate of mine and my first reaction when I sited her was…WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!!
I kinda gawked for some seconds and I made up my mind there and then that I was gonna do a feature on this Missy and to tell the truth, my interest in her story wasn’t just for “Roll on” but I was also personally interested in her story.
Right about now, I present to you the story of Odili Joy Chioma who had the determination to go on a vigorous exercise and diet routine to lose weight….and lose weight she did! She dropped from a size 14 to a size just one month!!! Who on earth does that and still looks gorgeous afterwards???..




Ms. Tique had an interview with her and with much persuasion, I finally got her to release her pictures to prove the authenticity of the story. So, sit back, relax, grab a coke, soda,  gala, buns, chin-chin (lol) whatever sha, and find out  what rolling is about.

Ms. Tique : why on earth did u decide to lose weight?
Joy: simple; I was tired of being fat..ce fini. Fat causes fatigue. My stature kinda made me shy, my dresses weren’t fitting properly, I didn’t really have a fashion style because I had to wear what fit me and not what I wanted to, most of the times. Also, I looked a lot older than my age, which is kinda common for plus size people. Lastly, fat clogs your arteries and there’s a high risk of having a heart problem or some other form of fat-related disease.

Ms. Tique: do you feel that plus size people are disadvantaged in one way or another?
Joy: well, not really and it depends on how you see yourself…but what I do know for sure is that plus size people have issues with being smart—carriage wise. Cos fat in your body kinda makes you feel heavy.

Ms. Tique: what made you take the decision to lose weight? Cos you know, almost every female at some point want to lose weight, have a flatter tummy, slimmer thighs and what have you but we never get around to actually doing it….so, what gave you that big push to finally go ahead with losing weight?
Joy: well….the push just came from somewhere within me, you know? I was just tired of being fat *not with myself as a person*, but with my stature, and I wanted to do something about it. Coupled with the fact that my doctor told me about the health effects of fat especially to the heart.

Ms. Tique: so on to the big question, how did you lose weight?
Joy: basically, I lost weight in one month. I moved from a size 14 to 10. And at times I could wear a big size 8. So, how did I actually lose weight? First off, I exercised discipline in my eating habits. I cut down on sugar, fatty foods and generally, the amount of food I consume. *I didn’t starve myself o*. secondly, I got involved in a vigorous exercise routine…I jogged for 20minutes each day, I used a tummy trimming equipment to help me do my sit ups for my stomach. I also did a lot of walking and jumping by way of exercise.

Ms. Tique: to be honest, I’m really amazed at how you were able to get a flat tummy..can you share some tips with me, cos I would like to have one ooo..*I actually said this with a dreamy look.* at this point, another course mate of mine joined in the conversation and both of them were able to put heads together to come up with this experience-based-flat-tummy-exercises.
Joy and Linda: doing a number of sit-ups daily, lying flat on your back and raising up your legs up to waist level, also raising up your upper torso while still lying flat on your back…*the usual stuff we all know*. (but these two ladies said something different afterwards). But the truth is that these exercises only help in the short run cos if you stop, but do not change your eating habits, you still end up with your big tummy. Here’s the catch, if you really want a flat tummy, do not eat later than 7pm. If you wanna take a late night snack, take a fruit as that digests easily and wouldn’t leave any fat in the tummy. On a lighter note, one lady said that when doing your sit-ups, tying up your tummy with a tight piece of clothing would help a lot as it tightens the stomach..(hm…wat do u guys think??). oh and least I forget, Joy said to always hold in your stomach during exercise routines.

Ms. Tique: any final words??
Joy: everything is achievable if you’re determined. Whatever you want to accomplish in life, consistency and diligence is key, do not get discouraged. The truth is that, in 100 level, I tired losing weight, then I tried this product that had a diet, exercise routine and pills to make you lose weight within 9days. It actually worked for just the 9days after which, I added the weight back and even more! The pounds just kept pouring  in! at this point, I felt utterly discouraged with myself, like I felt that I couldn’t do anything about my weight. But despite my discouraging experience, I was still determined to try again. I tried again after a while, but I got discouraged, I sorta lazied out and I wasn’t really seeing the effects. But this time around, I was really determined to achieve my aim and this time I became successful. Also. Lemme add one funny fact, I actually prayed to God concerning my weight, and I exercised my faith..tho this might sound absurd to some people. Lastly, no matter what it is you want to achieve in life, always visualize a mental picture of what u what for yourself, because when you get discouraged, that’s what keeps you going. Believe me, I got discouraged lots of times, but I had a mental picture of the size I wanted to be and that kept me going.

Okay, so we’ve all read Joy’s story and hopefully we’ve learnt something from her. please note that the exercise routines and diet plans that was shared in this article is not a standard weight-losing-technique. It is advisable that if you’re interested in losing weight, you should get approval from your doctor first. Also, Ms. Tique doesn’t believe personally that there’s anything inherently wrong in being plus size given that the health area is being taken care of properly. The article wasn’t published to make anyone feel like they have to be thin to be happy..that’s a big lie. But it was published to make us learn that determination, courage, concistency and vision can get us anywhere..even to jupitar and beyond. Lol
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Till next time, it’s toodles from moi….
Keep rolling ya’all!

1 comment:

beat freak said...

"all tins are possibe to him dat believes" nice story miss litey, thumbs up... Pls hurry with the next post