The most random thoughts pop into my head at odd times!
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I started writing this piece knowing that I have both male and female readers but somewhere along the line I got into my "girl power" mode and I focused on women. I apologise in advance this.
Who remembers "The Frog Prince" or "The Princess and The Frog"? They are cartoons that basically have the same plot. A naive Princess befriends a frog, the frog eventually transforms into a handsome prince and they lived happily ever after. There are different versions of this story, the most interesting version being the one that tells us that the princess kisses the frog and he transforms into a prince, breaking the spell that a witch had cast on him that could only be broken by a kiss of love.
So, we know the background and I'm sure we can relate it to the quote I started with. I would like to ask some questions;
Is it okay to kiss (I do not use kiss in the literal sense) frogs till we eventually find the one that is our Prince?
Should we just wait for the frog to sort himself out with the witch, transform to a prince then find us himself?
Can we just let another person kiss the frog then we can go ahead and
People, I need answers. I'm serious.
The process of moving from frog to frog is what I call dating.
I hate dating.
Of course I love fancy dinners, walks on the beach, going to the cinemas, dressing up, looking on fleek... etcetera, etcetera.
What I do not like is doing all these things and simultaneously getting to know someone. I'd rather do these activities with someone I already know, someone I'm comfortable with and I daresay, someone I love. I would pick being a couch potato to sitting across a stranger discussing likes and dislikes, at least my pillow won't ask me why I don't like pasta.
Just imagine a lunch date I went for, note "lunch" not "dinner" and that was the first time I would meet up with this person. I had barely finished my lunch when the
Please, for those of you that know me on here, do I have an inscription on my forehead that reads " homeless, needs a flat in Lekki"?
Anyway, I have not come here to tell stories of woe. I have actually been on dates with gentlemen that conducted themselves well.
My point is this, whether you have decided to kiss every frog or wait for your prince to find you himself, you must understand that no matter how much you
- If he disrespects you, talks down or looks down on you, he is a frog.
- If he abuses you physically, emotionally and any other way, he is a frog and a toad.
- If he cannot stay faithful to you, he is a frog, toad, crocodile and hippopotamus.
- If he insists that he must test drive you (have sex with you) before he makes a commitment to you, he is a frog. Please keep it moving, you are not a tokunbo car that needs to tested before final purchase.
- If he doesn't actively pursue you and show any interest in you, he is not your prince. If you are ALWAYS texting, calling and IMing him first, he is not your prince. This particular one irritates my soul! If a man is interested in you, he will pursue you. I understand that we are independent women and we go after what we want, but if you have shown a man that you are interested in him (trust me a man knows when a woman likes him) and he still doesn't make a move, he is not interested in you. Sè fini! Do not force yourself on someone that doesn't want to be with you.
- If he gives you conditions for him to love you or makes you feel as though he is doing you a favour by committing to you, he is definitely not your prince. Please drop this one back in the pond where belongs so he can croak like the frog that he is.
I am not an expert in spotting frogs and princes, I just listed out some obvious characteristics that I have observed.
To any lady reading this, know that you are priceless, dont be afraid to wear your crown and never let it slip because you are a Queen inside and out. Treat yourself like a jewel and do not allow any
1Cor:6vs20. " For you were bought with a price, therefore honour God in your body "
P.S I really need answers to the questions I asked earlier. Please hit the comments section and let me know your thoughts.
Love and Light
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The frog prince eh? "We men don suffer sha, being called frogs and all". I kid though. Some guys do deserve the title of frogs, toads and what ever you can think up, them dey spoil the market for we good honest but upcoming young men . I do like the idea of a man pursuing a woman though. But allow me to say something extra, there are some princes that life has made "frogs" (like the story) due to one reason or another. They may try to become princey, buh they cant, not by themselves, they need a princess to. Help them with that. Remember... "He that finds a wife has found a good thing, and obtaineth favor from God". Just one opinion.
"Life has made frogs" lmao
I like your angle though, the princess kissed the frog and that made him transform to a Prince. I think the true test of a Princess in this regard is discerning who is really a prince that "Life has turned into a Frog"
Wowza! Auntie came on here with ZERO chill. Please, the peacocks giving the frogs the opportunity to croak incessantly should desist from doing so, Esther is coming for you...because she's in the mood!
All the frogs that can be snatched, that croak deeper and are looking for princesses to fix them, watch your backs, Esther is coming with her shotgun....because she's not in a good mood!
For real though, thank you for saying it as it sugar coating anything. God bless you.
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