It actually
dawned on me that there are a lot of things that you’d have to figure out on
your own in life. Of course, there’s the invaluable advice of parents and well
meaning friends and all that, but the fact is that eventually, the decision and
choices boils down to you and you alone. You decide if you want to go God’s way
or not, it’s actually your choice. This post is actually inspired by a certain
funny dilemma I’m in. itz actually funny I tell you.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
The time-in-between
Hi, this post you’re about to read was written a while back when I was going through a rough patch in my life and I’m glad to say, I’m out of it as a better person. Even though I might have to go through such again, at least I know I’ll make it through no matter what. I initially decided not to post it, cos it really contains personal stuff and it’s not the typical post that should come up here, but then…
So, I
decided to post it for two reasons.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012
The Call...3
This is the third and last part in 'The Call' series... you can read the previous parts here
The two weeks are finally over and I can breathe a sigh of
relief, the Village wasn’t as bad as I thought, but it wasn’t good either and I
couldn’t wait to return to civilization. It was bad enough that very few of the
Villagers spoke English, the food was zero and the weather out here was really
Remember the ‘a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do’
phrase? That’s what’s going down this night, for most guys that is. As the
final day of the trip, we had the day off and we were free to do whatever we
wanted, so long as we came back to our camp site, in one piece. I don’t know
how, but the guys discovered this place. Oh, did I forget to mention that the females in this Village had one major occupation? Prostitution. The alarming
fact was not just the number of prostitutes, but the way they accepted what
they did, like it was some kinda occupation like nursing, teaching and what
have you. Really it was saddening. Obviously, the guys planned to ‘get some’
cos they came to this village fully prepared..if you know what I mean and if
don’t know, just stay ignorant pls.
The Call...2
This is the second story in The Call series, you can read the previous one here
Like seriously? This ‘thing’ wasn’t supposed to grow on me.
If someone had told me a year ago, that I would travel down this path, I never
would have believed it. I never would have. But the funny thing is that, I have
no regrets, for this path I have taken is the best thing that could have ever
happened to me, ever.
I picked up my head set and grabbed my back pack as I left
my room, unknown to me, that this day, would mark beginning of a new era in my
life. I’m your basic next-door-neighbour kind of guy, just that I have the rare
privilege of staring down at people often times anyway…of course, it’s the
six-foot syndrome we all happily suffer from.
Monday, 13 August 2012
The Call...1
I could see the weather change, then the sound of rain,
large pellets from a distance, coming at an alarming speed towards where I
stood, but even the threat of the heavy downpour could not stop me, I just had
to get to that cliff before dusk. I was determined, stubbornness was what
people called it, to some it was even foolishness, but I knew what I wanted and
I would wait for it, no matter what happened. So I decided to make it to that
green hill before the heavens opened and let down the heavy downpour. I took off
and at this point, a light drizzle had started and I could see the tiny drops
of water on my arms, one particular drop landed on my eyelashes, I smiled and
blinked , this made it trickle down my cheek like a lone tear. The irony of it
all was that I knew I would still shed tears, this I knew for sure so why
bother wiping off this preliminary mock-tear. My smile afterwards was
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Just keep moving on, no matter what!
She flipped the next page of the text book she was trying to study when she finally accepted that she was feeling sleepy, but she was determined to finish up the chapter she had already started studying that evening, so in order to stay awake, she picked up her phone, plugged in her earpiece and started listenig to the songs on her playlist, this she did whenever she wanted to stay awake and alert. As she continued studying, song after song passed and then it got to a particilar song on her playlist and she had to pause, not because the song was special or any different from the other ones she had been listening to, but because that song remeinded her of someone..
Truly speaking, she had moved on, from that place of hurt, disappointment and pain caused by 'him'.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
A story of determination and courage...
Recently, I found a true before-and-after kind of story. Not
that I didn’t believe all the before-meets-after kinda stories all over the
mass media, I just was always skeptical and never really appreciated the experiences
these people had to go through until….I was seated in class waiting for the
lecturer to come in, and in walked a female course mate of mine and my first
reaction when I sited her was…WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!!
I kinda gawked for some seconds and I made up my mind there
and then that I was gonna do a feature on this Missy and to tell the truth, my
interest in her story wasn’t just for “Roll on” but I was also personally
interested in her story.
Right about now, I present to you the story of Odili Joy
Chioma who had the determination to go on a vigorous exercise and diet routine
to lose weight….and lose weight she did! She dropped from a size 14 to a size just one month!!! Who on earth does that and still looks gorgeous
Friday, 2 March 2012
My very first post, had to take like forever to put
together, which is quite unusual for Miss. Tique but the period between January
and March was kinda topsy-turvy with lots of lessons to learn, although, my tent is still pitched at the learning lane, I have been permitted to move on with the blog....finally. *anyways,
more on this later*
Like we will always say at PeopleWhoRoll, life
is about rolling, moving on, keeping on and just moving ahead no matter what
happens. So, i got a new word=> resilience, then i proceeded to wiki, to see what i could get by way of definitions, and amma share with ya'all the two i liked best, the complex definition is as follows:
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