Tuesday, 19 August 2014

The Anomaly

Hello everyone,
It's been a minute and I have been itching to write this blog post for a while now. For all Lecrae fans, I'm sure you'd know by now that the title of this blog post was inspired by the title of his new album dropping next month hopefully.

Simply put, an anomaly is a deviation from the norm. I was in a bus we all know as Danfo in Lagos state and for the first time (at least it seemed like that) in my life, I met a bus conductor that was actually polite, saying words
and phrases like 'please',  thank you', 'can I have your money?', 'here's your change' etc. I as well as other passengers in the bus was surprised at the conduct of this conductor, some even burst out laughing and started calling him names. That young man was an anomaly because Lagos bus condutors are known to be rude, rough, smelly, annoying...please feel free to add to the list.
Another day, I was in another bus, *danfo again* and this time it was the driver! He was very slow careful, stopped at all the bus stops, red lights, drove on the service lanes, used his side mirrors and was polite...whew! The irony was that I was mad at the driver for doing the right things. I mean, I expected him to be the usual rough and crazy bus driver in Lagos so I could get to MY destination on time and I was angry that he was not!
That was when this post began to take form.
I thought to myself, "are we so used to people doing things the wrong way that when someone does things the right way, we label the person an anomaly?'
The truth is yes...we have gotten used to the wrong things that overtime, the right things seem to be abnormal:  a polite bus conductor, a careful danfo driver, a honest politician, a faithful partner, a decent entertainer, a truthful businessman, a loyal friend...
Why are good and honest people going into extinction? When did we become so attuned to wrong that we do wrong by default and doing right seems to take an extra effort? Where have we thrown our values to? I am writing this blog post more for myself than anybody else.
On the flip side...
To those that have been tagged as the anomaly and have come to accept that they are indeed an anomaly, I have a few questions to ask.
What if you are not the anomaly? What if you should have indeed been the majority? What if not everybody is doing it? ('it' - you can insert any word). What if the majority are not telling the truth and just put up perfect fronts to cover the sad reality of their lives?
Nobody talks about the unhappiness, the emptiness, the restlessness and the confusion that comes with 'going-with-the-crowd'. No, we don't talk about it, we just powder our noses, tidy up our beards and tag people that have values, respect God and have true peace of mind as "The Anomaly".
God help us all, I most of all.

Ecl: 10 vs 5-7
There is an evil I have seen under the sun,
    the sort of error that arises from a ruler:
Fools are put in many high positions,
    while the rich occupy the low ones.
I have seen slaves on horseback,
    while princes go on foot like slaves.

Love you all,


Unknown said...

Whao!!!!! This is amazing!!!!

Ilo Unuigbe said...

Thank you very much Esther. So are you the anomaly or nah?

Unknown said...

Lovely n truthful write! Thumbs up. Its so unfortunate how wrong seem right n right seems wrong. We should never ride on world values but only lean on God's values n standards to know right from wrong.

Chinomnso Precious said...

Very nice post! It's funny how I just put up a post similar to this on my FaceBook account. It's quite sad to see the world evolve in such manner. This won't change, but I just hope and pray that the 'anomalies' keep doing good, because it's not for man, but unto God. Lovely Piece!


Anonymous said...

If you can't beat them, join them, the excuse on the lips of so many. Most of us don't dare to be different...so the World wails. Nice write-up! *thumps up*

Ilo Unuigbe said...

Ayo, Chinomso and LIzzy, thanks for stopping by, please come again oo. I pray we all access the grace made available to stand even in trying times.