Thursday, 30 October 2014

Keep got this.

I'll start off by saying a big thank you to to everyone that stops by to read this space. I get a lot of 'hey, you haven't put up anything on your blog recently' and my first reaction is surprise. Surprise because I'm awed at the fact that people actually read this blog. Okay that came out wrong, I didn't mean it that way. What I meant to say is... scratch that, I actually meant it! So, thank you for your encouraging words, thank you for the publicity, thank you for challenging me to keep putting stuff up here and thank you for even remembering titles of previous posts even when I the 'writer' have forgotten!
Feel free to catch your sub...!
So down to the business of today

I know it sounds cliche, I know motivational speakers have over flogged the never give up issue, I know the books have been more or less copy and paste, I know Nigeria is...Nigeria - for lack of a better word, I know what discouragement means, I know what being broke means - first hand!

I know you are running out of Faith, I know time is not on your side.

I know all these things but hey, I'm still going to tell you that you should never give up on the dreams that you have, because nothing, I repeat, nothing brings greater joy and fulfilment than when you see the thoughts and plans you have harboured in your heart for a long time come to fruition.

Now, there are dreams and there are fantasies and there's a huge difference between the two oo

So, if your dream falls within the category of:
  • Making the whole world a better place. You will be alright, you are not Jesus.
  • Becoming a music super star and you cannot sing to save your life, you will be alright too
  • Helping all the motherless and dying children of the world, wa wa alright... even Mother Theresa didn't do that
  • Becoming the richest man/woman on earth. Good for you. How do you intend to accomplish that? Wishful thinking I guess.
  • Getting married to a tall, handsome, rich, intelligent, God-fearing, tech savvy, caring, ambitious, disciplined young man with a foreign accent and full, nice beards, that's still very good. You are definately OYO
For real though, so long as you know you're on the right path, just keep going, there's always light at the end of every tunnel, no matter how long it is. No matter how long and arduous the journey seems, just keep hope alive.
Which brings me to the big question, 'How do I know that I'm on the right path?'. I always ask myself this question, at certain points in my life and I personally have discovered that I have this deep unexplainable peace that stays in my heart when I know that I am doing the right thing or when I'm on the right path. When I have this kind of feeling it doesn't necessarily mean that all is going well around me, I just know that I am where I am supposed to be and doing the things that I'm supposed to do at that point in time. Now, will having this kind of inner conviction work for everyone? No. The beautiful thing about life is that one size doesn't necessarily fit all. I just shared what works for me when I am confused or faced with making major decisions.
Note this, the fact that you're in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, does not mean that everything will work out fine. It doesn't also mean that you won't fail at certain points, because to me, failure in itself is not an end but a means to an end. I have learnt from experience that good things don't come easy. Success  takes lots and lots of hard work, sacrifice, sleepless nights, sweat and even blood!
So, this is from me to you; yes October is coming to an end and that's another month ending without you getting a job, another month ending and that big break is not in sight, another month gone still no boo, no missed periods, no money, no nothing!

Just keep going on, stay on the right path, that break you need is coming. You can read up a story of determination and courage here 

One more thing, the word of God never fails, ask God for a word concerning what you want in your life, hold on to that word and never let go. 


"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever."

There you go... 
Before I leave, there's something amazing happening at , it's a series called #TCS, and it's an avenue where people who have had addictions share their stories and tell us how they were able to overcome them. Trust me, this is very different from anything you've ever seen, the stories are real and down to earth.

So, here's to an amazing October and looking forward to an awesome November.

Love you all,
Yes I really do
Not kidding

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