Dawn will come...the night can only last for so long.
Those that wait on the Lord...
We wait, because it is dark and we don’t know which way to go.
We wait on you because we are weak and our strength has failed us.
We wait because we tried to do it on our own and in our own wisdom but we failed.
We wait because all hope is lost, we had put our trust in chariots and horses but we lost our way.
We wait because there’s nothing left to do, we have tried everything we know, we diligently applied every knowledge we gained but it failed us.
We wait because there seems to be no way out of this tunnel because we are stuck.
We wait on you because we’ve made so many mistakes already and we do not desire to make more.
We wait on you for your word, instructions, directions. ..anything.
We wait because we know dawn will come,
The night can only last for so long.
They shall renew their strength...
You have exalted my horn like that of a unicorn, fine oils have been poured on me.
You have taken my sorrow and shame away,
You have put a new song in my mouth.
You have given me strength,
You have made me smile again,
You have mended the pieces of my broken heart,
You have healed my body, like the balm that you are, you have soothed my aching bones.
You have done what no man can do because you have strengthened me from within.
They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall run and not faint...
I can run against a troop with the help of my God.
I can leap over a wall with the help of my God.
I can do all things because my God has given me strength from within
I am a bright and shinning light because from within me burns the brightest fire.
This piece is dedicated to my friend Esther, dawn has come and it is time for you to soar. You went through the night and your light only burned brighter, it never dimmed. Soar baby, soar, nobody can stop you because God himself set you on this path.
To whoever is reading this, always remember that no matter what you’re going through, dawn will come, night can only last for so long. Never compare your journey with that of others because we are all on different paths, we all have different stories to tell. If people are getting breakthroughs that you desire for yourself, never despair, never give up hope because when hope is lost, what then do we have left? Always remember “anytime you wake up is your morning”.
Dawn will come.
Isa:4 vs 31
“those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint”